How TEDxEleftheriaSquare Is Bridging Ideas Across Industries And Borders

by Marios Roussos

Symphony of Minds, a Vision for a Collaborative Future

On October 12th, TEDxEleftheriaSquare will take place at Nicosia’s Eleftheria Square. It’s an event that will bring people together from different walks of life. The goal? To share ideas, spark discussions, and inspire change. TEDx events are known for gathering curious minds who want to learn, connect, and grow. TEDxEleftheriaSquare is no exception.

“TED is known for spreading ideas that inspire change, connecting global thought leaders to spark conversations that matter. What makes the TEDx format unique is its ability to bring these conversations to a local stage, where diverse communities can engage with global ideas in a way that resonates with them,” says Artem Rodichev, the event organiser.

The theme for this year’s event is Symphony of Minds. It’s about the power of ideas coming from different industries and perspectives to create something bigger. According to Ekaterina Soloveyva, co-organiser of TEDxEleftheriaSquare, “TEDxEleftheriaSquare is about more than just exchanging ideas—it’s a platform for dialogue, where intersections between diverse perspectives have the potential to drive lasting, positive change.”

A Local Event with Global Reach

TEDxEleftheriaSquare brings global ideas to the local stage in Cyprus. Cyprus is a bridge between Europe, Asia, and Africa. It’s a place where cultures have always met and exchanged. TEDxEleftheriaSquare continues that tradition. It connects local and international perspectives, making the event feel both global and deeply connected to the local culture.

Yulia Piven - TEDxEleftheriaSquare - TEDxLive April 25, 2024
Photo by Yulia Piven – TEDxEleftheriaSquare – TEDxLive April 25, 2024

“Our theme, Symphony of Minds, reflects the belief that when different disciplines come together, they do more than just inspire conversations—they set real transformations in motion, influencing the future in ways that extend beyond the event itself,” says Soloveyva.

Voices from the Future

The event will feature ten speakers from five different countries. They will speak about their own fields and share thoughts on the future. From architecture and education to wellness and sustainability, the topics will cover a broad range of issues.

Christos Passas, Design Director at Zaha Hadid Architects, hopes his industry will become more humane. “In 10 years, I sincerely hope that the industry is more humane: one that places more value on true virtues and less on commercial concerns. I hope ecology and humanism will be an integral part of our activities.”

For him, creative and analytical skills will be essential in the next decade. “Creative and analytical skills will be crucial in a future where technology is ubiquitous,” Passas says. He adds that these human qualities need to be present at every level of our work.

Polina Maltseva, an educational consultant and founder of EdPower, believes the future of education should be more structured. She hopes the way we teach kids will evolve to focus not only on knowledge but also on skills and character. “I would hope that in future there will be a more structured approach towards kids’ development,” Maltseva says.

When it comes to the skills needed for the future, Maltseva highlights perseverance and adaptability. “Perseverance and adaptability are among the crucial for the future,” she notes. For her, it’s about setting goals, not giving up, and adapting to the world as it changes.

Miranda Tringis, herbalist and founder of Cyherbia, focuses on reconnecting people with nature. She believes planting trees and creating green spaces will help future generations learn about the environment. “Plant as many trees as you can, create green spaces with exciting activities for children and adults,” says Tringis. Her vision is about making the natural world a hands-on experience for all ages.

For Tringis, imagination is the key skill for the future. “Imagination is the key to creativity, creativity is imagination in action,” she explains. For her, it’s about imagining a better world and finding ways to bring that vision to life.

Ideas Fuelling Change

TEDxEleftheriaSquare is not just a platform for sharing ideas; it’s about making connections. Cyprus, with its rich history as a meeting point of culture, provides the perfect backdrop for this kind of event. TEDxEleftheriaSquare brings together different voices to spark conversations that could shape the future.

Rodichev points out that the event is about creating connections: “Cyprus has always been a connecting point between West, East, and Africa. Our international team, working alongside partners from Cyprus and beyond, has curated an event that captures the essence of TED while fostering meaningful dialogue, building bridges across different industries, cultures, and experiences.”

As the event draws near, TEDxEleftheriaSquare is set to inspire both local and global audiences. It will be a place where ideas come together, not just to be shared, but to drive real change. With its theme, Symphony of Minds, TEDxEleftheriaSquare shows us that when people from different backgrounds meet, great things can happen. The event invites us to think beyond our own worlds and build bridges between ideas, industries, and communities. The result? New ways to face challenges and a future shaped by collaboration.


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