High-tech jobs now represent 5.2% of the workforce in the European Union, with over 10 million professionals making up this growing sector. However, when it comes to gender equality, the industry still has a long way to go.
As of 2023, women held just over 32% of high-tech positions, a modest dip of 0.6% from the previous year. Yet, there are some standout regions where women are leading the charge in high-tech careers.
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One such area is the Hungarian region of Nyugat-Dunántúl, where women actually outnumber men, holding 50.2% of the high-tech jobs. Other regions with notably high female representation include Italy’s Marche region (48.6%) and Hungary’s Észak-Magyarország (48.1%).
On the flip side, Greece’s Thessalia region reported the lowest percentage of women in the sector, with just 8.3%.
When it comes to the total number of high-tech professionals, Germany and France dominate the landscape. Bavaria tops the list with a whopping 476,000 high-tech workers, followed closely by France’s Ile-de-France (469,100), and two other German regions—North Rhine-Westphalia (466,100) and Baden-Württemberg (434,100). At the other end of the scale, regions like Peloponnisos in Greece, Bolzano in Italy, and Crete in Greece reported the smallest numbers of high-tech professionals, each with fewer than 5,000.
As the high-tech industry continues to evolve, these regional disparities in both gender representation and job numbers underscore the work still needed to build a more inclusive and diverse workforce.