Anna Zdorenko

Anna Zdorenko

Founder & CEO

Transforming Video Creatives for Gaming

Anna Zdorenko, the Founder & CEO of INCYMO.AI, has introduced a game-changing AI service called smartUA. This innovation generates scenarios for creating top-performing video creatives, catering to casual and mid-core games. The wow factor is that our platform helped our last gaming client increase their monthly revenue from $500,000 to $1 million since May by systematically identifying high-performing creatives (with a CPI of around $1-2). Similar results were achieved by all previous clients, who created over 50 creatives with our assistance.

What challenges have you faced as a woman in tech?

As a woman in the tech industry, I’ve encountered various challenges, including gender bias, stereotypes, and sometimes being underestimated. Addressing these issues is crucial to creating a more inclusive environment for everyone.

What advice would you give to other women interested in a tech career?

I advise women aspiring to pursue a tech career to believe in themselves, cultivate their skills, seek mentors, and never be afraid to ask questions. A tech career is advantageous, and your unique perspective can be valuable.

What are your thoughts on the future of women in tech? 

The future of women in tech is bright. There is a growing awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion in the industry. With more opportunities, support networks, and role models, women will continue to thrive and contribute significantly to the tech sector.

What is your favorite part of working in tech?

My favorite part of working in tech is the endless potential for innovation and the ability to make a meaningful impact on the world. Tech is a dynamic field where you can continuously learn and explore new horizons.

What are your career goals?

My career goals include further expanding my startup and continuing to inspire and mentor other women in tech. I aim to be at the forefront of technological advancements that drive positive change.

What are your thoughts on diversity and inclusion in the tech industry? 

Diversity and inclusion are essential and a source of strength in the tech industry. I support girls early on, letting them know that technology careers are not just for men but attainable for anyone seeking knowledge. Increasing the number of women in leadership roles within tech companies can lead to the growth of businesses that truly value and listen to every employee and customer, ultimately creating maximum value within a supportive team environment.

What are you most passionate about? 

Back in school, I dreamt of venturing into technology entrepreneurship. My driving force has always been to help create innovative solutions that make life easier and more convenient for humanity. Perhaps that’s why the mission of INCYMO.AI ignites my passion – to help companies increase their monetization. By assisting with revenue growth, we enable companies to create more value and deliver it to their customers. Additionally, I have a strong affinity for aiding aspiring entrepreneurs in overcoming startup challenges precisely so they can reach the point of providing value to their target audience.

I am determined to build a successful global innovation company to leverage my experience, connections, and resources to support the development of a new generation of thriving startups.

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