Georgina Kyriakoudes

Georgina Kyriakoudes

CEO And Founder
Aria Health (Dcentric Health LTD)

Blockchain Health Pioneer

Georgina, the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Aria Health has spearheaded a revolutionary blockchain-based health data ecosystem. The company’s achievements have been recognized globally, earning such awards as “Best Use of Blockchain in MedTech” and “Most Innovative Project of the Year” by AIBC. Patients have complete data control, and revenue from the marketplace benefits stakeholders, with 65% going to data owners. Aria Health has expanded to 26 hospitals in the UAE and partnered with global pharma companies like Novartis, prioritizing patient-centricity and data privacy.

What challenges have you faced as a woman in tech?

The lack of representation of women in the field meant that tech was never presented as an option to me when I was younger. It wasn’t until nearly a decade into my career that I was exposed to tech, and I immediately realized it was the industry for me. Diving in as a tech founder, I have had to raise investment on multiple occasions, and I’ve seen this lack of representation continue into the venture capital arena. Particularly in early-stage investment, decisions are mainly based on the investor connecting with the founder. As it’s human nature to connect with people who are similar to you, and given that over 90% of the investors I speak to are men, this certainly added an extra challenge. Furthermore, along this journey, I have become a mother of two. Our society still leans heavily on its women to raise the next generation, but juggling this critical role while building a new enterprise is a constant struggle if you don’t have sufficient support.

What advice would you give to other women interested in a tech career?

Women have much to bring, so I advise others to take the leap and contribute their wisdom. Challenge the status quo and offer something different, but don’t feel alone. Find mentors and women’s tech groups. The pool is growing, and we all need to support each other.

What are your thoughts on the future of women in tech? 

The doors are opening for women, and we bring a critical new perspective. In particular, our world recognizes that new solutions must consider sustainability and positive societal impact more strongly. It’s been proven that women create more sustainable and positive impact businesses, so now is the time for women to come in and contribute.

What is your favorite part of working in tech?

Every day, I am surrounded by intelligent and inspiring people, men and women from around the world and from different backgrounds. Each challenges me to think outside the box and create more impactful solutions.

What are your career goals?

As the CEO and founder of Aria Health, my goal is to grow the company to an internationally impactful organization that can transform how patients interact with healthcare, from feeling more empowered over their health to being an integral part of developing new healthcare innovations to help society. I look to create an organization full of diversity, with every individual contributing their unique value to create a solution that can be truly beneficial for a diverse audience.

What are your thoughts on diversity and inclusion in the tech industry? 

There is still much work to be done, but the wheels of change are in motion. Through my children’s education, I see how STEM is being presented differently, with more diverse representation and encouragement for different groups to get involved. This will significantly impact STEM over time, along with initiatives like the Forbes Women in Tech Awards, which change perspectives. I am excited to see how tech solutions will improve with more diverse perceptions and ideas.

What are you most passionate about? 

I am passionate about growth, about seeing change, and how we can bring positive impact at a human level. Healthcare is a particular area that inspires me.

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