Gala Grigoreva

Gala Grigoreva

CMO (Product Growth And Strategic Marketing)

Championing Diversity at Adsterra

Gala Grigoreva, the CMO at Adsterra, is pivotal in spearheading one of the company’s most innovative tech projects: developing Adsterra’s proprietary Social Bar ad format. This endeavor was significantly influenced by invaluable client feedback, which Gala took the initiative to gather and effectively communicate to the management and product teams. As a result, she contributed to shaping the product’s roadmap and strategic marketing approach. In a market dominated mainly by web push notifications with limitations such as server dependencies and restricted user reach, Gala and her team aimed to provide a cutting-edge alternative.

What challenges have you faced as a woman in tech?

Tech is a male-dominated industry. I’ve worked a lot in men’s management teams, and I know how difficult it is for the sole lady not to copy men’s assertive behavior and to stay genuine to her principles and authentic in her female nature. We can lead softly but effectively, thus redefining leadership norms. We contribute to a more diverse and inclusive professional landscape by embracing and showcasing female leadership styles.

What advice would you give to other women interested in a tech career?

Believe in and advocate for yourself. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Seek out like-minded communities and mentorship. Encourage other women to speak about their accomplishments. Years ago, I found myself completely alone on my journey toward achieving my goals, courageously self-motivated. Many people held me back without realizing why I was striving to go the extra mile. Now, with a strong community of women in tech, we are fortunate to have and share invaluable support, understanding, and acknowledgment. This collective drive propels us to achieve more, promoting the emergence of responsible and talented female leaders across various fields of life.

What are your thoughts on the future of women in tech? 

I envision a bright yet challenging future for women in tech and diversity in general. An increasing number of women will enter the tech field thanks to proven diversity efficiency, initiatives like the Forbes Women in Tech Cyprus Awards, dedicated communities like the one I lead, Women in Tech Cyprus, numerous mentoring programs, the growing importance of CSR, and governmental projects. 

However, the foundation should start at the family level, focusing on cultivating a diverse and inclusive culture that provides equal opportunities for self-realization, especially for young girls. On the other side, governments should prioritize the population’s well-being by initiating programs that favor businesses, not only in the tech sector, enabling them to actively hire more women and provide flexible working arrangements, financial support, and, where possible, on-site nursery facilities.

What is your favorite part of working in tech?

Community and collaboration! People are the most essential part of tech. Working together, they contribute to creating and developing big ideas and innovative solutions.

What are your career goals?

I’m constantly growing and implementing my vision into my teams’ activities, building my profile as a business growth advisor. Additionally, I plan to establish a startup that assists parents in balancing their careers, professional goals, and child care. I know what it takes.

What are your thoughts on diversity and inclusion in the tech industry? 

Adsterra has 52% of its workforce as women, with 25% working in technical positions. However, this differs from many other tech companies. To effect change, we should work on altering women’s mindsets and attitudes towards tech careers, encouraging more of them to pursue such paths. Additionally, it’s crucial to retain them by providing an inclusive and supportive workplace, ensuring their growth even in the case of parenting. There is still a long way to go.

What are you most passionate about? 

Motherhood. Marketing. Modernization. Mentoring. Metal Music. Meetups of our Women in Tech Cyprus community. 

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