Elena Georgiou Strouthos

Elena Georgiou Strouthos

Co-Founder & CTO
Cocoon Creations
Software Development

Revolutionizing Workforce Management

Co-founder & CTO of Cocoon Creations, Elena Georgiou Strouthos, excitedly oversees Crew, a groundbreaking workforce management platform. Crew streamlines HR, employee onboarding, absence management, time & attendance, payroll, and shift management for Cypriot and international companies. It operates on a mobile-first SaaS model, providing self-service capabilities to employees and management, ensuring efficient and paperless workforce management. Elena is also the host of the «Breaking the 20%» podcast, a platform dedicated to exploring the historical contributions of women in the technology field. Her dedication to promoting women’s achievements in tech is further evident through her role as a Women Techmakers Ambassador.

First and foremost advice, it’s crucial to recognize that success in the tech industry is not solely about innate talent. While talent undoubtedly plays a role, it’s far from the only determinant of your journey. The key is unyielding dedication, hard work, and an insatiable hunger for continuous learning and self-improvement. Technology is an ever-evolving field, and the ability to adapt, stay updated, and embrace new knowledge sets the high achievers in this domain apart.

Nevertheless, it’s essential to acknowledge that despite the strides we’ve made towards gender equality, the tech world still grapples with remnants of prejudice and profoundly ingrained gender stereotypes. Therefore, my next advice is to actively seek mentors who can provide guidance, support, and wisdom as you navigate this terrain. A mentor can offer valuable insights, share their experiences, and help you unlock your full potential. Finding a mentor can be a game-changer on your journey towards a successful tech career.

In addition to mentorship, building a solid support system is essential. Seek out and connect with like-minded women who share your passion for technology. Joining communities and networks of women in tech can be an empowering and enriching experience. These communities offer a platform for networking and knowledge exchange and serve as a source of motivation and encouragement. Through these connections, you can learn from others’ experiences, discover new opportunities, and find camaraderie with those who understand the unique challenges and triumphs that women often encounter in the tech world.

In summary, remember that your path in tech is not predetermined by talent alone; it’s shaped by your determination to learn and grow. In a world still influenced by biases, having a mentor can be a guiding light, while joining communities of women in tech can provide invaluable support. Embrace these strategies, and you’ll be well-equipped to thrive and excel in technology’s exciting and dynamic realm.

As a woman with almost 20 years of experience in the tech industry and an active participant in various tech-related initiatives, I have a strong vision for the future of women in tech. My perspective is firmly rooted in the belief that achieving gender parity in technology is a matter of equity and a strategic necessity for the industry’s growth and innovation.

Even with the rise of generative AI, we still need more specialized professionals in the tech industry. The critical aspect of this issue is that by and large, women have been historically underrepresented in tech. However, as we look forward, we must recognize that women comprise approximately 50 percent of the global population. By actively including this substantial talent pool, we significantly increase our chances of addressing the current skills gap and filling all the open positions in the tech industry. 

Ultimately, I see a future where women are equal participants in the tech industry and integral to its success. Through initiatives, mentorship programs, and educational outreach, we can continue to break down barriers and encourage more women to pursue tech careers. As a podcaster focusing on women’s history in tech, I’m committed to sharing their stories and contributions, inspiring the next generation of female tech leaders. The future of women in tech is not just a matter of equality; it’s a catalyst for greater innovation and excellence in the industry.

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