Lina Fleitman

Lina Fleitman


Pioneering AI-Driven Audience Analytics in the World of Martech

Lina Fleitman serves as co-founder and the Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) at DISPL, an innovative AI-based audience analytics and digital signage tool in the field of Martech. DISPL’s AI-Audience Analytics platform resembles Google Analytics and Google Adwords for brick-andmortar retail. It provides clients with profound insights into their offline audience, including demographics, emotions, and engagement levels. These insights empower businesses to make data-driven decisions and enhance their sales, all while maintaining strict GDPR compliance. In 2017, she embarked on a journey as a co-founder and CRO of DISPL, where she has been instrumental in leading the commercial department and guiding the company and its subsidiary products toward success.

What challenges have you faced as a woman in tech?

The biggest challenge for everybody in tech is to be on the crest of a tech wave! Things are rapidly changing, technologies are constantly improving, and you must keep going. It’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the tech world, not only with your product but also with the products you use daily. It’s critical to excel as a specialist.

What advice would you give to other women interested in a tech career?

Know that you are strong and you can achieve anything! Just don’t be afraid. Don’t ever believe that tech is a male domain. Women bring the best to tech: beauty, enthusiasm, and fearless decision-making. What would they all do without it?

What are your thoughts on the future of women in tech? 

I meet more and more women in the tech community each year, doing a great job even on very complicated projects, acting as CEOs or founders, and speaking at events along with men. Women are firmly strengthening their position in the tech world.

So I’m sure that, soon, we’ll be able to say: 

– Who runs the tech world?

– Girls!

What is your favorite part of working in tech?

I cherish collaborating with many brilliant, diverse, and fascinating people. Witnessing how they shape the future in the blink of an eye is genuinely inspiring. What we thought was impossible a decade ago is now our real life. Isn’t it great? I love that tech is never dull. You’re always learning, discovering something great, and meeting different people. The tech world doesn’t have boundaries – that’s what I also love!

What are your career goals?

To be a CRO and co-founder of a unicorn company that has revolutionized the offline retail world called DISPL. Plus, we have some exciting projects in different industries I’d also want to develop along with DISPL. 

What are your thoughts on diversity and inclusion in the tech industry? 

The key to achieving growth and bringing about truly world-changing innovations is embracing diversity and actively listening to everyone. This principle holds even greater significance in the tech industry. The most significant move happened when the world became more open, and people from all places with different education, religions, physical health, or cultures started to work together because bright ideas don’t depend on anything other than interest. 

What are you most passionate about? 

I’m passionate about people; they power me up! I find genuinely fulfilling work in collaborating with bright minds, partnering with great professionals, providing services to revolutionary people, and simultaneously being a wife and mother to incredible individuals.

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