Olga Dmitrenko

Olga Dmitrenko

Chief Revenue Officer
Adtech Holding

The Driving Force Behind AdTech Holding

Olga Dmitrenko, the Chief Revenue Officer at AdTech Holding, is a pivotal figure in this formidable IT enterprise. At the heart of PropellerAds, a groundbreaking tech project, Olga’s work revolves around crafting machine learningbased ad rotation algorithms, enabling brands to discover their audiences and achieve their utmost potential.

What challenges have you faced as a woman in tech?

One of the key challenges I encountered was the need for more female role models in leadership positions. It was inspiring to witness an increasing number of women entering the tech field, but there needed to be more representation at the executive level. This motivated me to strive for excellence in my work and seek mentorship from both men and women who have successfully navigated similar challenges. Now, I take pride in becoming a mentor, guiding my team, where at least 50% of the managers are women, to reach their full potential. Achieving worklife balance has been an ongoing challenge. The tech industry, known for its fast-paced environment, demands long hours and continuous learning. Balancing my professional growth with personal life and family commitments required careful planning and prioritization. I am continually improving in this area, but it’s undoubtedly where I’ve made significant progress.

What advice would you give to other women interested in a tech career?

Communication is key, so I suggest starting by building a supportive network: surround yourself with a diverse and supportive group of mentors, peers, and role models. Seek out communities, both online and offline, where you can connect with other women in tech. These connections provide encouragement and a sense of belonging, helping you navigate challenges and find optimal work-life balance, which is essential for women in tech. I firmly believe the tech industry’s future shines brighter with diverse perspectives. Women should remain curious about what they do and remember that our presence in tech is not just beneficial — it’s essential.

What are your thoughts on the future of women in tech? 

The future of women in tech is filled with limitless possibilities. In this future, talent knows no gender, and opportunities are boundless. I am proud to shape this future actively, inspiring my team and partners to join me on this transformative journey. The tech industry will flourish when it fully embraces diversity and inclusivity. Companies will recognize the immense value of diverse perspectives and the unique creative solutions women can bring to complex problems.

What are your career goals?

Start-ups and growing companies in the AdTech sector interest me the most; this is where I plan to further my career. AdTech Holding can make a significant contribution to the market. Online businesses encounter numerous challenges when entering new markets or evolving their existing business models, and this is where AdTech Holding, along with my role as a “market mirror,” will always strive to provide technology solutions that can accelerate our partners’ growth.

What are your thoughts on diversity and inclusion in the tech industry? 

Diversity isn’t solely about different appearances and physical abilities; it encompasses diverse experiences, ideas, and approaches to addressing the same problems, tasks, or opportunities. In the tech industry, where efficient problem-solving is paramount, a wide range of perspectives leads to more creative and effective solutions.

What are you most passionate about? 

My passion is the result: creating impact through innovative solutions, assembling dedicated teams, and leading them by bringing ideas to life. My focus is on start-ups in AdTech Holding right now, and I’m thrilled to witness my ideas materialize into products and services – that’s where my true passion lies. It’s not only about the technology itself but also about the change and progress.

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