Leader’s Insights: Patrik Wilkens

Leader’s Insights- Patrik Wilkens

The Future interrogates -kindly- the high management floor

Welcome to the Leadership Echoes, a place where The Future, asks the simplest, yet, the most interesting questions to the executives of well-known companies, startups and innovators.

This time we have Patrik Wilkens, the Vice President of Business Development at TheSoul Publishing where he is focused on establishing new lines of business for TheSoul and creating new monetization opportunities. He sets, implements, and drives short- and long-term business development strategies across the company. Patrik also spearheads numerous initiatives including licensing and D2C products, increasing TheSoul’s owned and operated content portfolio through acquisitions, and brand partnerships. In addition, he leads the streaming and OTT business.

Based at the company headquarters in Cyprus, Patrik brings more than 16 years of experience as an executive leader in the digital and entertainment industries. As Vice President of Mobile Operations at Spilgames, he was a key player in the turnaround of the business and subsequent sale to Azerion. At Azerion, Patrik continued as Vice President of Mobile Operations and oversaw the integration of Spilgames into Azerion.

Let’s see what Wilkens has to say…

1. Do you remember your first day on the job at TheSoul Publishing?

Yeah, pretty much. It was before we added the large letters on our building and I had to spend some time to actually find the entrance. Artur, our CEO and the HR team showed me around and I had the chance to meet my colleagues in the HQ in Limassol. I also remember the sun, the blue sky, and being able to see the ocean from my balcony. Coming to Cyprus after five years in Germany and four years in The Netherlands, it felt surreal.

2. What is more difficult: being interviewed to join a team or doing the interviews yourself?

Personally, I find interviewing candidates to be more difficult. I know myself and the type of company I want to work with, so identifying the match is fairly straightforward. On the other hand, determining the motivations and goals of a candidate – and being responsible for the candidate and the team is more stressful.

3. What do you most value in your employees?

A get-stuff-done attitude and agility. In the content creation industry, things change fast. New trends, new technologies, and even new platforms pop up regularly and you need to be agile to capture the opportunities. We have built many new teams inside TheSoul. A results-driven attitude is essential to stay ahead.

4. Which is a motto/quote you use in your work?

My team gave me a birthday cake with “Let’s zoom out” written on it. I guess that’s the phrase I have to choose. It is important to understand the why behind a task, problem, or opportunity. Sometimes this gets lost during operations and it’s good to remind people.

5. If you were back to the start, what would you advise yourself for a great career?

Find an industry and country that is up and coming. For me, it was mobile gaming and China. For the new generation, it will be something else. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and push yourself to make as much progress as possible early on. Responsibilities will pile up over time and you need to start thinking about risk mitigation when you get older. But that truth is universal.

6. How do you pump up your creativity?

Most importantly by hiring smart people. On a personal level, time out of the office is super important, traveling to different environments to think outside the box, brainstorming with colleagues and friends, and talking issues through.

7. What is a talent you would like to have?

If I could choose a talent, I would love to have the ability to understand and speak any language. Working in a global environment with diverse teams and partners, would be an incredible way to connect with people on a deeper level, both professionally and personally.

8. How do you balance work and personal life?

Most importantly: find a job that is meaningful to you, and set rules & priorities. I would never miss my kids’ birthdays, but I have not been with my family on my own birthday due to business travel for probably the last five years. I also believe in explaining and involving the kids in what I do, so they have been part of our videos.  Sometimes we even review proposals for new shows and channels to teach them about the work and business behind the camera and content they consume on social media.

9. What are the top five foods you like in Cyprus?

Cypriot meze in general is amazing. I’d go with pita bread and halloumi. I also just started drinking coffee, so iced mocha has to be on the list

10.  Can you name your top five favourite places in Cyprus?

St. Raphael Beach is definitely our family’s go-to spot and we recently discovered Kourion Beach for higher waves and water sports. We also really like Caledonia Waterfall – especially during summer to escape the heat. Trodos Mountain in general is very beautiful for hiking. There is also a helipad close to a monastery that I like to go to for stargazing.

11.  Which personality, throughout history, do you admire most?

Many personalities impacted the world and whose contributions to society are important. But in this case, I’ll go with the personal, and say my parents. They worked hard to provide a life for us. The older I get the more I appreciate and admire their efforts.

12.  Who is your favourite author/book that helped your career?

Jack Canfield’s The Success Principles got me started. I read it more by accident at a friend’s place when I arrived in China directly after high school. Daniel Kahneman’s Think, Fast and Slow is a great book to explain the underlying psychology most other self-improvement and business books are based on.

13.  Where would you advise our readers to go this winter?

What winter??? Winter in Cyprus is summer in most other places. I like the mountain villages during winter to experience colder weather, the smell of roasted chestnuts and hot chocolate


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