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Cyprus Granted Five-Year Extension To Comply With PDO Halloumi Specifications

The European Commission has granted Cyprus a five-year extension to comply with the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) requirements for Halloumi cheese. This follows the expiration of the initial ten-year transition period requested by the Republic of Cyprus on 9 July. The decision, confirmed by the Minister of Agriculture Maria Panayiotou, aims to secure Halloumi’s status as a premier export product while ensuring sustainability across the sector.

Ensuring Compliance and Sustainability

The extension provides Cyprus with the necessary time to fully align its production processes with PDO standards. The Ministry of Agriculture is set to issue a decree on milk quotas, addressing the balance between sheep-goat and cow’s milk in Halloumi production. This decree, to be finalised after stakeholder consultations, aims to enhance compliance while supporting producers.

Economic and Cultural Impact

Halloumi is a significant agri-food export for Cyprus, representing both an economic asset and a cultural heritage. The PDO status not only ensures product authenticity but also strengthens market positioning globally. Maintaining this status is crucial for Cyprus to protect its market share and promote its national brand.

Strategic Objectives

The Cypriot government’s primary objectives during the transition are the protection and promotion of PDO Halloumi. By implementing measures that support both compliance and industry sustainability, Cyprus aims to solidify Halloumi’s reputation as a high-quality product. The Ministry’s forthcoming decree and ongoing consultations are steps towards achieving these goals.

Athens Stock Exchange approves listing of Bank of Cyprus shares

The Athens Stock Exchange, following a meeting of the Listings and Market Operation Committee, verified that all listing prerequisites for the listing of the Bank of Cyprus shares have been met and approved.

More specifically, according to the decision, “the Athens Stock Exchange, following today’s meeting of the Listings and Market Operation Committee, verified that all listing prerequisites are met and approved the listing of 443,457,297 ordinary shares of “BANK OF CYPRUS HOLDINGS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY” (ISIN: IE00BD5B1Y92) on the Main Market of the Athens Stock Exchange, according to art. 2 par. 4 L.3371/2005”.

It is mentioned that trading will start on Monday, 23 September 2024.

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