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Cyprus Advances In U.S. Visa Waiver Program Effort

Cyprus is making significant progress in its bid to join the U.S. Visa Waiver Program (VWP), a move that would enable Cypriot citizens to travel to the United States without a visa for stays of up to 90 days. Government officials have expressed optimism, noting that the country is on a “very good path” towards meeting the program’s requirements. This development is part of Cyprus’s broader strategy to strengthen bilateral relations with the U.S., enhancing opportunities for travel, business, and cultural exchange.

The VWP is a significant initiative that allows citizens of participating countries to travel to the United States for tourism or business without needing to obtain a visa. For Cyprus, joining this program would mark a milestone in its diplomatic and economic relations with the U.S. The process involves meeting strict criteria, including maintaining high-security standards, effective counterterrorism measures, and low visa refusal rates.

Cyprus’s government has been actively working on fulfilling these requirements, and recent discussions with U.S. officials have reportedly been positive. The optimism surrounding Cyprus’s application is fueled by the country’s ongoing efforts to align with the necessary legal and security standards required by the VWP. These include enhancing border security, implementing advanced traveler information systems, and ensuring robust law enforcement cooperation with the U.S.

The potential inclusion of Cyprus in the VWP is expected to have several benefits, particularly in boosting tourism and business travel between the two nations. It would make travel more accessible for Cypriots, fostering closer economic and cultural ties. Moreover, it could lead to increased U.S. investment in Cyprus, as easier travel could encourage more business ventures and partnerships.

Illegal Employment on the Rise in Cyprus as Undeclared Work Declines

A recent report on the labour market in Cyprus has revealed a worrying increase in illegal employment, even as the rate of undeclared work shows signs of decline. The findings, which were discussed during a parliamentary session, have raised concerns among lawmakers and authorities alike about the ongoing challenges in combating labour exploitation and maintaining fair employment practices.

According to data presented by the Ministry of Labour, the issue of illegal employment—workers being hired without proper work permits or contracts—has escalated in recent months. This rise comes at a time when efforts to reduce undeclared work, where employees are not registered or insured, have seen moderate success. Despite progress in regulating the labour market, illegal employment remains a significant issue, especially in industries such as construction, agriculture, and hospitality.

Understanding the Distinction Between Illegal and Undeclared Employment

Illegal employment refers to the hiring of individuals who are not legally permitted to work, often due to their immigration status or lack of proper documentation. These workers are typically vulnerable to exploitation, receiving lower wages and lacking access to basic protections such as healthcare and social security benefits. In contrast, undeclared work involves the employment of individuals who may be legally allowed to work but are not officially registered, depriving them of insurance coverage and other legal protections.

While authorities have made strides in reducing undeclared work, particularly through stricter inspections and penalties, the rise in illegal employment presents a new challenge. Lawmakers pointed out that illegal employment poses even greater risks, as it not only harms the workers involved but also undermines the integrity of the labour market and contributes to unfair competition among businesses.

Factors Driving Illegal Employment

Several factors contribute to the increase in illegal employment, according to the Ministry of Labour. One key driver is the influx of migrant workers, many of whom lack the necessary documentation to work legally in Cyprus. Without proper channels for legal employment, these individuals often turn to unregulated jobs where they are vulnerable to exploitation.

The growing demand for cheap labour, particularly in sectors like construction and agriculture, also plays a significant role. Employers seeking to cut costs may resort to hiring illegal workers, bypassing the legal requirements for contracts, wages, and benefits. This practice not only puts workers at risk but also creates an uneven playing field, where businesses that comply with legal standards struggle to compete with those exploiting illegal labour.

Efforts to Combat Illegal Employment

In response to these findings, the government has pledged to intensify its efforts to combat illegal employment. This includes increasing inspections, imposing harsher penalties on employers found guilty of hiring illegal workers, and strengthening collaboration with immigration authorities. Additionally, there is a push to create more pathways for legal employment for migrant workers, ensuring they can enter the labour market with proper documentation and protections.

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