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Greece’s €42.3 Billion Problem: The Persistent Shadow Of Zombie Companies

One in ten businesses in Greece is a “zombie” company—unable to service loans, collectively holding a staggering €42.3 billion in bad debt. These businesses, accounting for 8.9% of the corporate sector, have long been a drag on the Greek economy, earning their unenviable label as zombie firms.

In its latest quarterly economic report, the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE) underscores the urgency of resolving these bad business loans. It highlights that these firms, by their nature, cannot restructure their debt independently, posing a perpetual obstacle to entrepreneurial growth.

The Scale Of The Problem

The unresolved bad loans from these zombie firms include €8.9 billion still managed by commercial banks and an additional €33.4 billion transferred to loan servicers by the end of 2022. This combined figure of €42.3 billion remains a significant burden on the banking system, stifling its ability to finance new ventures and economic growth.

The origins of this debt crisis trace back to Greece’s prolonged economic downturn. Non-performing business loans peaked at €58 billion in 2015, representing 47% of all business loans. Although this figure has declined significantly—down by €49.1 billion to €8.9 billion in 2022—the remaining €42.3 billion underscores the persistent challenge. Since 2015, the “real” reduction in business-related bad loans totals €15.7 billion.

Zombie Companies By The Numbers

The phenomenon of zombie businesses—firms unable to meet loan or interest payments—escalated during the 2010-2018 economic crisis. Between 2005 and 2013, their share rose from 10% to 18.6% of all businesses, before receding to 8.9% by 2022.

Interestingly, while smaller businesses have historically shown higher rates of zombification, large firms also exhibited notable vulnerability during the 2005-2016 period. However, since 2013, the share of zombie companies has declined across all business sizes.

A Leading Indicator Of Financial Distress

According to IOBE, the prevalence of zombie businesses closely correlates with the rate of non-performing exposures (NPEs) on bank balance sheets. Notably, the rise in zombie companies typically preceded the increase in NPEs, suggesting that the zombie rate serves as a leading indicator of financial distress in the banking sector.

More recently, the decline in zombie businesses has outpaced the reduction in NPEs. This trend, IOBE explains, stems from the protracted liquidation of companies that have ceased operations but whose debts remain unresolved. These defunct firms are excluded from databases like ICAP, which track active businesses.

Moreover, the size of the average zombie company has shifted. Before the crisis, and again after 2017, zombie firms were generally smaller, reflecting a change in the economic landscape over time.

The Path Forward

The persistence of zombie companies is not merely a banking issue; it is a systemic challenge for the Greek economy. Resolving these bad loans swiftly and effectively is essential to unlocking entrepreneurial potential and enabling Greece’s financial sector to support new business ventures.

As the IOBE report makes clear, addressing this issue isn’t just about cleaning up balance sheets—it’s about paving the way for sustainable economic growth.

UAE Embarks On 2031 National Investment Strategy To Boost Annual Foreign Inflows

The UAE has set a bold vision with its National Investment Strategy 2031, targeting an elevation in annual foreign investment inflows from AED112 billion ($30.5 billion) in 2023 to AED240 billion ($65.4 billion) by 2031. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum highlighted the strategy’s goal to transform the UAE into a premier global investment hub. Aiming to swell the foreign direct investment stock from AED800 billion to AED2.2 trillion, this strategy focuses on key sectors: industry, financial services, transport and logistics, renewable energy, and telecommunications.

Key Initiatives And Economic Contributions

The approved strategy includes 12 new programs and 30 distinct initiatives, such as the Financial Sector Development and the Investment Offices Promotion Incubator. Currently, foreign direct investment contributes significantly to the GDP, with predictions to increase its share to over 30% of the total investments by 2031.

Dive deeper into the global market shifts in Wall Street Tumbles Amid Trade Tensions.

Technological And Digital Advancements

The strategy outlines the UAE’s vision to become a digital economy powerhouse by 2031, intending to enhance the digital economy’s current contribution to GDP from 9.7% to 19.4%. The Industrial Technology Transformation Index (ITTI) will also play a pivotal role in gauging technological advances and sustainability practices.

The introduction of a remote work system and the launch of the National Green Certificates Program further highlight the UAE’s efforts to harness global talent and promote sustainable development.

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