Cypriot MP Christiana Erotokritou stressed the importance of public investments for Cyprus due to the disproportionate immigration and demographic pressures the country is facing and the adverse effects of climate change.
Erotokritou who is the President of the Cyprus House Finance and Budget Committee, intervened in Budapest during a meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union.
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In her intervention regarding Cyprus, she noted that the country is on a steady path of public debt reduction, maintaining healthy fiscal surpluses, however, it presents a large current account deficit.
She pointed out that the country-specific recommendations of the European Commission for Cyprus highlight the imperative need for full and timely implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan to reduce the country’s excessive dependence on oil and accelerate the completion of the necessary reforms and investments.
In this context, Erotokritou said it is important to have public investment for Cyprus due to the disproportionate immigration and demographic pressures the country is facing and the adverse effects of climate change.
Erotokritou stressed that the key challenge is to balance fiscal discipline and sustainable development, ensuring that fiscal responsibility, sustainable development and social cohesion go hand in hand and that the economic governance framework contributes to addressing current and emerging challenges of the EU and shaping a more hopeful future for all European citizens.