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Payabl and Mastercard Celebrate 12 Years of Strategic Partnership

Payabl, a prominent payments processing company, is commemorating 12 years of its strategic partnership with Mastercard, a collaboration that has significantly shaped its trajectory in the competitive fintech industry. Since its inception, this partnership has empowered Payabl to tap into Mastercard’s vast network and cutting-edge technology, enhancing its ability to deliver seamless, secure, and innovative payment solutions to a diverse global clientele.

Over the past decade, the partnership has been pivotal in helping Payabl expand its reach, especially in the fast-growing digital payments sector. By leveraging Mastercard’s technological expertise and global infrastructure, Payabl has been able to offer robust solutions tailored to the needs of businesses navigating the complexities of the digital economy. This has been particularly important as the payments landscape has evolved, with increased demand for secure, fast, and flexible payment options.

The partnership also underscores the value of strong collaborations in the fintech world, where rapid technological advancements and shifting consumer expectations require agility and innovation. For Payabl, the relationship with Mastercard has not only provided the necessary tools and support to stay ahead of the curve but has also reinforced its reputation as a reliable and forward-thinking player in the payments processing industry.

As Payabl looks to the future, its partnership with Mastercard will likely continue to be a cornerstone of its growth strategy. The company is poised to further innovate and expand its offerings, ensuring that it remains at the forefront of the digital payments revolution. This enduring alliance highlights how strategic partnerships between established financial giants and agile fintech firms can drive industry-wide progress, benefiting businesses and consumers alike.

Athens Stock Exchange approves listing of Bank of Cyprus shares

The Athens Stock Exchange, following a meeting of the Listings and Market Operation Committee, verified that all listing prerequisites for the listing of the Bank of Cyprus shares have been met and approved.

More specifically, according to the decision, “the Athens Stock Exchange, following today’s meeting of the Listings and Market Operation Committee, verified that all listing prerequisites are met and approved the listing of 443,457,297 ordinary shares of “BANK OF CYPRUS HOLDINGS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY” (ISIN: IE00BD5B1Y92) on the Main Market of the Athens Stock Exchange, according to art. 2 par. 4 L.3371/2005”.

It is mentioned that trading will start on Monday, 23 September 2024.

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