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Cyprus’ New Tourism Initiative: The “Historic Hotels Of Cyprus” Label

In a bid to enhance its tourism appeal, the Deputy Ministry of Tourism in Cyprus has introduced the “Historic Hotels of Cyprus” label. This initiative aims to identify and promote hotels and tourist accommodations that possess significant architectural and historical value.

Aims and Objectives

The primary goal of the “Historic Hotels of Cyprus” label is to enrich the island’s tourism product by highlighting establishments that embody the rich historical heritage of Cyprus. By doing so, the initiative seeks to improve Cyprus’s image as a tourist destination, preserve its architectural heritage, and boost local economic development.

Criteria for Classification

To qualify for the “Historic Hotels of Cyprus” label, an establishment must meet several criteria. The building or part of it must be at least fifty years old and feature architecture representative of its original period of construction. Additionally, hotels must exhibit items of historical significance, such as furniture, artworks, and heirlooms, and offer menus that include traditional Cypriot dishes and drinks.

Applicants must hold a valid license from the Deputy Ministry of Tourism or comply with relevant legal provisions. The label, valid for three years, mandates ongoing compliance with these criteria, ensuring that these historic establishments maintain their unique charm and historical integrity.

Economic and Cultural Impact

This initiative not only aims to attract tourists seeking unique, culturally rich experiences but also catalyzes the preservation of Cyprus’s architectural and cultural heritage. By promoting hotels that reflect the island’s history, the Deputy Ministry of Tourism hopes to create a distinct niche within the hospitality sector that can draw visitors year-round, thereby supporting sustainable tourism and economic stability.

Strategic Importance

For business professionals and entrepreneurs, the “Historic Hotels of Cyprus” label presents an opportunity to invest in and develop properties with historical and cultural significance. Such investments can enhance the tourism sector’s diversity and appeal, attracting a broader range of visitors interested in heritage and culture.

Record: One In Every $10 Spent Worldwide Is On Travel

A record $1 in every $10 spent globally in 2024 will be on travel, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council’s (WTTC) annual report.


  • The travel and tourism industry’s contribution to global gross domestic product is expected to reach a new record as consumers view travel as an increasingly essential part of their budget.
  • The WTTC forecasts that the industry’s contribution to global GDP this year will increase by 12.1% year-on-year to $11.1 trillion. dollars, which represents 10 percent of the world’s gross domestic product.
  • Travel spending in the US, Chinese and German economies is expected to contribute the most to GDP.
  • The sector will support nearly 348 million jobs in 2024, or 13.6 million positions more than in 2019 – the previous record before the pandemic. The industry is still hiring to fill positions in the fast-growing field.


“Despite some concerns last year about us entering a global recession and accelerating inflation, this year we believe travel and tourism are a real economic force globally,” said the NGO’s chief executive Julia Simpson, quoted by Reuters.

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